1 (703) 621-1000

Match Candidates with Jobs with our Employment System


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Digicon Corporation offers a mobile-friendly web application that allows youth-focused organizations to easily collect and process registrations to match youths to work experiences. YES provides an automated method of matching candidates in local communities to a variety of employment and educational opportunities and development programs. Our system can be tailored for your case, and can be used by nonprofits to organize and match volunteers.

This powerful software-as-a-service (SaaS) job application system lets you customize your matching criteria based on location, age, skill sets, career interests, language, and any other factors you desire, allowing you to weight factors based on importance. By automating the process and reducing required resources and user error, YES increases your program's participation and success.

Benefits of Our Employer-Candidate Matching Software

How YES Benefits Schools and Youth Programs

When you run a youth-focused employment program, time is a precious commodity. So are your relationships with potential employers. Our software automates and streamlines the application process, allowing you to connect participants with more opportunities more quickly. It also helps you nurture employer relationships by making it easier for hiring companies to connect with qualified candidates. The Washington Post highlighted the success and value of Baltimore's YouthWorks program, which has been using YES since 2013. There are many benefits of our youth recruiting and job application software.

Do More with YES:

  • Enable job candidates to easily register & submit job applications; stay informed of their application statuses via automated emails and text messages
  • Enable employers to easily register and post job openings; process job applications quickly to find the right candidates; access customizable reporting
  • Enable organizations like yours to auto-match candidates to positions based on the criteria of employers and applicants; easily manage and update content on the user-friendly homepage

A Powerful SaaS Recruiting and Employment Solution

We provide the YES application under a SaaS model, and all the application/reporting servers are hosted in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. We use an Agile scrum methodology combined with Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) to manage the full development life cycle.

Reliable AWS Capabilities

Hosting our solutions on AWS provides our customers with a level of brand familiarity and comfort in our solutions. Digicon leverages our AWS Partner Network (APN) Consulting Partner status and AWS product knowledge to host all application and reporting servers for YES in the AWS Cloud, which provides scalability, flexibility, and reliability.


Find out the answers to our frequently asked questions about YES.

YES Success Case Study

Digicon has been working with the Baltimore City Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED) since 2011 to develop its YES-based YouthWorks system. We launched it in 2013 as a fully online-based solution to streamline, modernize, and generally improve MOED's previously paper-based process. By automating the process of scaling servers with AWS, Digicon has also helped increase the YouthWorks program's participation and success. Since we began supporting MOED to efficiently process its youth applications, the program has grown from processing a few thousand applications per season to 16,000 applications. As the program flourishes and enrollment numbers increase, the AWS system environment automatically scales up without any limitations on capacity or performance.

Read more about how we use AWS to provide scalability and flexibility with YES.

Partner Testimonial

In 2019, MOED IT Director Kevin McLamb wrote:

“We have worked closely with Digicon since 2013 to upgrade and simplify our online summer job registration process. They have been a tremendous partner in helping us to meet our goals.

Digicon has been responsive to our needs in developing a working system tailored to our program design—from the ability to send group text messages, to improving the matching system so that MOED can assign youth with the skills and interests that more closely match the needs of employers.

We will continue to work with Digicon and highly recommend their unique services to other local summer jobs programs.”

YES Matches Skills With Opportunities

Automate Automate The process of registering, managing, and matching candidates to job postings is all automated to increase productivity, reliability, availability, and reduce operating costs. The process of registering, managing, and matching candidates to job postings is all automated to increase productivity, reliability, availability, and reduce operating costs.
Streamline Streamline The complete process flow of registering to certification appointments and job placements can easily be maintained and tracked using our system. The complete process flow of registering to certification appointments and job placements can easily be maintained and tracked using our system.
Customize Customize Easily maintain and customize reports, email templates, and website pages. Easily maintain and customize reports, email templates, and website pages.
Auto-Match Auto-Match Matches candidates to the right position based on common skills, interests and other factors chosen. Geomap Youth to a worksite within a specified radius. Matches candidates to the right position based on common skills, interests and other factors chosen. Geomap Youth to a worksite within a specified radius.


Do you remember your first job? Learning the route to get there, depositing your first paycheck, getting to know your coworkers? For teens and young adults

Our clients love the Youth Employment System (YES) because it allows them to do everything for job applications processing in one place. Digicon is excited